Get to Know the Team: Walt Hand

  Walt Hand

From:  Cincinnati, Ohio


How long have you been cycling:  I have been seriously riding since  2011.  My  1st 500 mile RAGBRAI was 2012.  It was in excess of 90 degrees for 1st three days with some seriously strong headwinds.  I was exhausted and TOTALLY HOOKED.  I LOVED IT!!!


What is your athletic background:  In high school I played football and tennis, but that was a LONG time ago.  I was smoker for 25 years and decided to do a full marathon by age 50 (2011).  Since then, I have 11,000 training  miles.  3,000 miles of running and 8,000 miles on the bike.  I have done LOTS of events with friends and made some great memories.


What is your injury history: This could take awhile.  I have Metatarsalgia in my left foot.  I have had two arthroscopic surgeries on my  left knee.  I have had two rounds of PT on my neck and low back due to too much running and not enough CORE work.  My right shoulder currently has a Labrum tear.  I also have arthritic tendons in both of my thumbs.  I also have cervical spine issues and have ACDF surgery pending.  


What was your first bike:  Huffy


What do you ride now:  TREK 5000 & TREK Domane SL5


What do you remember most about your first bike:  It was a hand me down from my brother and I rode it everywhere when I was a kid. As a surprise my Dad got me a sweet French ten speed to replace it, but it was stolen couple weeks later.


What does your preparation for the race look like: It doesn't matter to me run or ride every other day works for me.  Now it’s Zwift and watts, cadence, FTP, and Ramp.  Be consistent, improve, and TRUST YOUR TRAINING for the event.


What do you expect to get out of the race: The experience of a lifetime with good friends!


What section of the course are you most looking forward to: The Glass Elevator along with the Southwest and Mohave.


What section of the course worries you the most:  I like to climb, but the Rockies and Alleghenies.  Oh yeah, definitely the Mohave Desert too.  Then again all of it will be a test, I CAN’T WAIT!! 


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